To label or not to label? That is the question.

As of right now, there are no rules pertaining to the labeling of genetically engineered foods, unless that food has a new nutritional effect, such as an allergen.  The only way to be sure that what you’re eating has not been modified is to buy certified organic foods, which mustn’t contain any GMO’s. As with every argument, there are the two sides.

The pro- labelers:

  • believe it is their right to know what is going in their food and what they are eating
  • whether it be for personal or religious reasons they understand people avoid eating animals, even if it is the animal DNA. A risk they are taking while eating unlabeled food.
  • think that labeling will help educate more people about what GMO’s are.

The anti-labelers:

  • Afraid of the cost that labeling will bring
  • believe that the label has a negative connotation and will scare people away from buying it
  • believe there is no difference between conventional foods and genetically engineered foods
  • believe people already have the option to avoid GMO’s- by buying organic

You must be aware that these are only skimming the whole problem. Along with the GMO battle, brings fights that are outside of our borders.

The five countries producing more than 95% of commercialized GMO [legend pattern orange] Other country producing commercialized GMO. [orange dot] Only experimental crops.”]

Many countries, such as Europe, have already decided to completely take GMO’s off the shelves until they are proven safe (whereas we have taken the very opposite approach- safe until proven dangerous). This is troublesome, though, when we think of the trade that happens between countries. The United States is a GM giant as well as a huge exporter, if Europe, for example, decided to suddenly stop accepting our food until labeled properly it would greatly hurt the trade industry. Already thinking ahead, the European Union (EU) has proposed a treaty that would force “exporters to provide more information on GMO products like maize and soybeans before any shipment to recipient countries, to help them decide whether to accept it” (World Environment News). Once again, those against it are afraid of the money that would go into the screening of genes before shipments. Although the treaty is still in its early stages, it is creating a bit of discomfort among bio- tech countries like the United States.

As the battle of labeling continues, so will the battle of GMO’s. Until then, people must educate themselves on what they are putting into their body.


Colorado State University

Brown University

Natural News

Planet Ark